Decoding Dreams


So today I had the day off from work and I was flipping through the channels (AKA scrolling the guide, for those of you that weren’t around when to see what was on every channel you had no choice but to flip through every channel or waste away watching TV Guide trying not to blink…) and saw the Steve Harvey show was on. Now, I don’t want this post to be about him but let me go ahead and get this out of the way….yea he screwed up at Miss Universe, maybe it was a conspiracy for ratings, blah blah blah, I like the guy. I don’t always watch his show but I do occasionally and today he had a dream expert on as a guest.

I have always been so fascinated by dreams. I’ve always loved stories so the idea of your brain making up it’s very own story while you sleep is just as mind blowing to me as an infinite universe. I’ve also been extremely good at remembering my dreams. I used to think it was no big deal, that everyone was like this maybe? But the more I’ve talked to people, the more I’ve come to learn that a lot of people hardly remember their dreams or “don’t dream” at all.

Right after you wake up is always the best time to recall your dreams but I find myself being able to remember even the smallest of details for the remainder of the day, days, weeks, months….I even remember dreams from childhood and my teenage years. I’ve had dreams of things and then seen them in real life. I’ve had reoccurring dreams of tidal waves (the worst!). I once had a dream in a hallway full of doors, I went through one door- realized it wasn’t the room I was supposed to be in (in the dream of course) then proceeded to the next door (the correct room) then the next night, I had a dream that took place in the first room from the night before. I enjoyed that little Easter egg ;)

Andre has lucid dreams where he can make decisions as his dream self like to fly or something crazy like that. I feel like you have to have a strong mind or be really good at dreaming to do that. I haven’t done much looking into dream decoding and today I just happened to catch maybe the last minute of the segment on the Steve Harvey show but it definitely got me wanting to do further research into this interesting topic!


Do you ever remember your dreams? Done any research on the decoding dreams? Know any good research resources? Know anything about reoccurring tidal wave dreams? Every have any of your own reoccurring dreams?! Tell me everything about your life! ;P



Hope you guys have had a happy Monday! I’ll see you tonight on Twitter for the Bachelor! ♥

Accepting a change in season


On Friday, I gave in. I accepted that fall was coming and summer would soon be over. Sure it would be nice to live in a place where the weather is always perfect sunny and 70’s, but living in a place where the seasons change is a good thing too, I think.

Every few months you are reminded that you should accept that things will change over time even if you don’t want to because they will most likely change anyway. This is especially evident when your favorite season is coming to a close. Those first few weeks can be the hardest as you realize the air is a different temperature (no matter how hard you have tried to ignore it), the earth around you is changing right before your eyes and summertime is moving on. But then- you rest easy knowing it will come around again, hopeful that you’ll get to experience it.

And that is where the jewel of this life is found.


In deciding to give in to the new season approaching and paint my nails a color more suited for fall, I was reminded that there is always hope and for that my heart is full of gratitude. The simplest of moments can give way to the largest lessons, even something like just choosing a nail color. I’m currently learning to see the biggest and best of life in every little thing.

Farewell to the most groovy of all seasons! But it’s nice to see you again, Autumn.

So, happy first day of Autumn to you and may the pumpkin spice be ever your flavor ;P


Navigating through weird


So, I just started typing out this blog post and the first paragraph basically turned out to be all about how crazy I am. I deleted it because, well, first off I don’t want anyone worrying about me and second I don’t want anyone having any ammunition should they decide they want to try to commit me as a part of some evil plan. Yes, yes, I watch way too many movies.

I don’t know though. I really have been feeling weird. Just weird. Not even sick or anything like that, just weird. No other word to describe it. It almost kinda freaks me out but at the same time, I think I’m just going to chalk it up to some crazy things happening out there with the stars and planets and see it as maybe I’m just becoming Does that make sense? Probably not. How about, learning me. That works a little bit. I don’t know. It’s hard for me to articulate how I’m feeling or anything really that’s going on in my head lately so I guess that’s why I’ve been MIA here (and everywhere else).

After our trip to the Dirty Dancing Festival, I just started to head into a valley I suppose. Perfectly normal, ah such is life kinda thing. Hopefully I will snap out of it soon but I’m certainly working my behind off trying to stay positive and really keep moving forward. I think a lot of times these valley times are hard to get out of because low can feel so low, it’s like…does this ever end?! Those thoughts perpetuate never ending low places I believe though, so I’m really trying to get out of that sort of mental behavior.

So enough with the deep stuff but that’s all I’ve got today! I’m crossing my fingers that this 3 day weekend will really give me some rejuvenation. I hope it does the same for you! Cheers to committing to positivity even when we’re in valleys or things seem super weird.

Happy Labor Day weekend all!



Catch up on my recent trip to the Dirty Dancing Festival here, here and here




Another real time post.

So I talked yesterday about balance.

It was specifically in reference to finding balance between a strict structured lifestyle and a free flowing one. I read through that post and found that:

A. my posts tend to be a lot longer than I realize they are


B. I am not an inch closer to progression on the matter.

BUT- I also realized that I’m beginning to understand myself just a liiiiiiittle bit more, so hopefully that’s a step towards progression…which is progress I guess?

I’m started to sound crazy again.

I just think that as hard of a time as I have had trying to just get out how I feel about whatever it is I’m even talking about, it’s starting to make sense to me a little bit. It may not to you (sorry! ha!) but I’m starting to understand myself a little better and am learning how to build and improve in my own life.

This is why I came here to this blog in the first place.

It’s the smallest little flicker of light, but it’s there so I’m going to hold on to it and give gratitude so that this knowledge of self might spread like wildfire.

I’m happy to be here and I’m happy you’re here (if you’re here ;) ) and you might have ended up here for no other reason than just to see that you’re not alone in feeling like you have absolutely no clue what you’re doing. ♥

Lots of love to you


Walking on Water



Most of you reading probably know that I’m from a mid-size beach town on the east coast. Having grown up at the beach I always find it astonishing when people have only been a handful of times or even not at all. If you’ve never been, then the physical experience I’m about to share won’t be relatable but the message I think is for everyone. It jumped out at me one October day last year on one of my final trips to the beach as a resident.

When you’re walking away from the ocean, it looks like you’re walking on a treadmill. You’re moving forward towards (more) solid ground and there is a force behind you taking out the old and bringing in the new- literally changing the ground you’re walking on right before your eyes.

But at first glance, it seems you’re going nowhere.

With my 25th birthday having just passed, I can’t help but think about how far I’ve come. I can’t help but think of sweet Nikita. I can’t help but think of all the ups and downs I’m sure are to continue to come as the year continues to progress, just like  in years past. But this year, and forevermore,  I want to hold on to this reminder that as the years pass, although there will be times where it seems like: We are going nowhere. Things aren’t changing. No one cares…

The fact is that no matter how good/smart/organized/efficient we are, we never truly see the whole picture.

There are forces all around us that we can’t see that are working for our aid, not just against us, as sometimes it might seem. This is true, but it is still up to us to keep moving. You see, if you stand too long on the ocean’s treadmill like surface your feet will sink into the earth as the waves move in and out, as though you were standing on quicksand. It becomes increasing harder to move forward…but stillnot impossible. As long as one keeps moving forward, a more solid ground will be found.

So as we continue to move full speed ahead through this year and beyond, I challenge you (and my own self) to take a second look. A deeper look. To forever stay positive and hopeful. To believe that everything can work out for your greater good. Believe that the old will flush out, the new will come in and you’ll be standing on solid ground when all is said and done – even if it doesn’t look that way in the present moment.

This message came at an exceptionally perfect time for me because at the time, I was about to make my first move away from my hometown, my family and the sea. Something I was excited about, but scared of all at the same time. Although this encouragement came in 2014 and I’m sharing it in 2015, it’s one I want to carry with me for the rest of my years because I believe it to be relevant no matter where you are in life. My hope is that you might be blessed and carry it with you as well.

lalunaOne of my current favorite photos of a hometown beach. Luna in the corner shining ♥



I would like to express great gratitude for the beach, the ocean and all its many wonders and life lessons.



**Joining Miranda for Coffee Chat today!

What are you passionate about?

Hello sweet friends!


I hope you all are doing well and have had the most wonderful April! I’ve been somewhat MIA this month and for many reasons but I’ll be getting into more of that over the next few weeks :)

One of those reasons though (as you can see!) is my new blog design! Vaida at Don’t Tell Anyone Designs gave me exactly what I asked for and was so easy to work with. My first blog design was a premade template I found on her etsy site. After working with her a little there and seeing all her beautiful custom work on her webpage, I knew I wanted to use her again.

Simple&gentle. A clean slate with the breath of personality. Lighthearted, yet contemplative.

This design embodies everything I am about right now as well as this blog. I want this space to be a place for the heart above all else. Not just my heart though, yours too.

I’ve recently been asked (by myself and others) what it is I am passionate about. I’ve been stumped. That sucks to be (exactly today!) one month away from your 25th birthday and feel like you have no passion in life….but the more I contemplated…the more I realized that I do have passion in life. It’s just not a typical ‘career’ type of mindset.

I’m passionate about kindness. I love being kind to others and seeing others be kind.

I’m passionate about compassion. Towards all living souls. And it makes my heart happy being around others who feel the same way.

I’m passionate about joy&happiness and spreading it. Making someone smile and feel special is the absolute best.

I’m passionate about allowing others to be themselves and discover who that even is, without judgment.

I’m passionate about Love. And that’s what I’m here to share.

So, no, with this new design does not come fewer grammatical errors or run on sentences. Sorry. ha! I can say though that much like the new life Spring breathes into us all, my heart has been renewed over this last month and I am so happy to share it with you. I’ve added a new page up at the top titled “The Journey” that tells a little more about me and the blog, my journey.

There may still be a few kinks to work out so bare with me. I’m always trying to do stuff myself and making a mess of things so forgive me! I’ve also got a few more new additions coming soon but surely over the next couple of days everything will be as it should be.

I hope you feel loved today! If you don’t, if you’re going through some things and want to chat, check out my contact page and please send me an email. I would love to love on you and whereas I might not have any answers for what you’re going through, I can send some good energy for sure and it never hurts to feel like you’ve got some support when winds are rough :)

love to you all.


Confusion, Belief and Grace.

Does anyone ever feel like they are awesome at helping other people stay organized but terrible at keeping their own life together? What does that say about me, that I feel that way. I’m always so interested in the science behind our brain and how it works altogether but on an individual level as well. Like- how our brains work partnered with who we are.

I’ve said before that I’m a very go with the flow kind of person and I am, but I believe in balance in all things and I just feel like I’m trying to learn the art of stability at 24 years old. It’s a task that I believe is 1000 times more confusing as an adult than as a child in this culture with all the unimportant bullshit shoved down our throats by all sorts of media outlets on the regular. But I suppose, what isn’t more difficult to learn as an adult than as a child. Come to think of it…be careful what you’re letting your kids watch and listen to because they’re being fed bs too…

but that’s a different blog post.

I don’t know. The way I feel right now, it’s all very confusing. I’m challenging myself in more ways than one in my life right now and I have this overwhelming anxiety that I won’t be able to keep up…with myself? I don’t know.

Perhaps I’m learning a lesson in believing in myself, but also how to give myself grace.

Time will tell right? Or maybe not.

Ugh. Here I go again..




I’ve joked before about my  procratination  issues, but I think it’s something serious I’m ready to deal with. When I sat back trying to think of a way to do that, I figured I should first try to figure out why I struggle with it so much. I think (at least in my case) that any issues with procrastination are a direct result of me working against the natural flow of my thought process. I’m tired of jamming days full of “things to do” instead of asking myself questions like:

What do I want to do?

What do I need to do?

What can I do?

So I blow myself off because I’m not working with the natural energy of my personality. I think making what to do with my time a dialogue with myself instead of a list of life’s demands might make completing tasks easier and more fun.

Structure is wonderful and I believe in the benefits of it but if your mind is more free-flowing, you should allow for that some in your life. I feel like if you don’t, you’ll be constantly working against yourself, potentially setting yourself back. I guess it’s in the same way someone who is more structure oriented shouldn’t “go with the flow” if it makes them uncomfortable and unable to work or succeed.

Everyone is different. I’ve known that. So I don’t know why I keep creating these boxes to sit in. I’m not a sit in the box kind of person. For those of you who are, more power to you! Be you! That’s exactly what I’m trying to say. I think I just need to allow myself to be…myself. I think if I do that instead of beat myself up all the time, calling myself “immature” simply because serious structure just isn’t my thing, I might start making some progress on life’s projects and find this ‘maturity’ I speak of, in my own sense of self. 

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not getting rid of lists! I love making lists. Crossing things off of them especially. I just mean I want to work on being more in tune with myself instead of tuning in to all the buzz. So instead of making “to do lists” I think I’ll start making a “list of things I want to do” because no, maybe I don’t always want to do laundry, but I do want my husband to have clean clothes. So…ultimately, I do want to do laundry! Who would have thought!

I hope my thoughts encourage you to find your own flow. Sit in your box if you want, break out if you want, just do you and BE KIND TO YOURSELF!

Love to all of you!


Your New Year resolution is NOT lame.

Someone recently told me that my blog titles should be straight to the point. Nothing cheeky or too mysterious. So I figured this post was the perfect place to start. Now, I realize a more popular time to post this would have been when this topic was still on the forefront of conversation, but I think the message behind this post (that was intended to be published mid January) is relevant all year long. 

For those of you who don’t know, I’ve spent the last few (read: 5 or 6) years as somewhat of a recluse. I’ve hid from the world pretty much and just about everyone in it. Kinda. Anyway- what I’m trying to say is that I didn’t realize there was this much disdain for the “New Year’s Resolution” by the general public. To be honest there was a time when I would shame the “new year, new me” statement but I didn’t realize how widely adopted that viewpoint is.

I’ve seen them referred to as “lame” too many times to count and looking from the light of my new perspective, it’s frustrating because, why should we give people such a hard time for giving themselves a second chance?

“New year,  new me” says, “hope for me and what I want out of life is NOT lost.”

So what people might fail halfway through the year or sooner? We all fail at some point with a lot of things. What makes a failure at something started in the middle of the year any more noble than failure at something started on January 1st? Now I understand that starting things and not finishing them is a whole ‘nother subject but that’s not the one I’m on so stay with me boo!

All I’m saying is that I think being able to say “New year, new me” is a statement that could only come from a courageous heart, especially with all the scrutiny new year resolutions seem to be getting these days. Having hope for your life is one of the most powerful positive thoughts you can feel.

When someone says they’re “over people making New Year resolutions” or they’re lame or whatever it’s just spreading negativity. They might not want to take on making resolutions themselves but it shouldn’t be shamed for everyone else. A new year/month/day/hour, new me statement is one of the most brave statements I can think of. Yea, what if you fail and people talk? Ok, let’s cross that bridge when we get to it though because A. people do that all the time anyway whether you fail or succeed. And B, just think of this:

What if you don’t.

Yes, I was once a person who might have called making new year’s resolutions lame but my perspective has shifted. This post is me begging forgiveness because I have realized that New Year’s resolutions are not lame at all if only simply because they are made up of hopeful thoughts and positive energy and having hope will never be lame.

I think everyone has a point in their life where they need a second chance from someone else or their own self. Probably more than one. I think that’s just life. So good luck to you with your new year resolution or just that second chance you might need from whoever, for whatever reason, smack in the middle of the year. And of course remember:

There is always hope. 

