Memorial Day weekend 2016

Hey hey! Testing 1, 2, 3… I’m finally dusting off the ol’ keyboard to bring you an update on the main event of my month, Memorial Day weekend in Charleston, SC! Just a heads up this post is super photo heavy! :)

 I know I haven’t been here as much these past few months but if you’ve been following along on this little space recently, you know it’s because we’ve been working really hard to accomplish a few goals and I’m happy to report that we are making strong progress and are really enjoying the process!

With everything we’ve had going on, we weren’t even really able to stop and celebrate Andre’s birthday, which fell on the 17th of this month. We hadn’t been able to stop for much of anything to be honest but we had been anticipating this weekend of R&R (and party fun) in Charleston for a while because one of his close friends was set to marry on the 27th…which happens to be my birthday!

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New babes, Target steals and other bits of happiness: Easter 2016


Hello friends!

If it feels like I’ve been out of touch lately…well it’s because I have been! Between two jobs (and picking up odd shifts at the restaurant, filling in for people), working on my new nutrition&exercise plan (I’ll share more on that in the coming weeks), and trying to build up momentum to go with gazelle intensity towards our Total Money Makeover goals (I haven’t shared about this yet but I will!)…I’m beat! All those things are bits of happiness though because I’m thankful to have work, to be making strides of progress with my health and eating habits and of course that we’ve been getting serious about whipping our finances into shape. Because of my schedule, it’s hard to set a routine but I’m going to make it happen! It might not happen overnight, but it WILL happen! Growing up is…difficult in the beginning stages haha but it’s all very exciting! Not to mention a few exciting things that have occurred in the last week!

You may have seen this photo on instagram (@jlynnjustad) but our sweet nephew (I’ll refer to him from here on out as J3) was born a little over a week before his due date of Easter morning! Mom and baby are doing great and we are so thrilled to have him here! I totally neglected to mention it in my currently post because truth be told, I thought I would get at least another one (or maybe even two) blog posts before he was born so my excitement was contained as to not get too anxious haha but the little booger surprised us all! He’s so gorgeous and so loved!

J3grainy photos make me feel nostalgic.

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Leap Day: A birthday celebration!

Happy Monday and Happy LEAP DAY!!!

Wooohooo!!! We won’t see this day for another 4 years, yall. There is something so exciting about that for me. I don’t know why. It always seemed kinda silly to me I think and I tend to love silly things (there’s a time and a place though of course…).


Back to silly!

As you saw if you were around here on Friday, over the weekend we celebrated the birthday of my younger brother who is in fact, a Leap Day baby! That’s of course yet another (and the best) reason I love Leap Day aside from the fact it’s a totally silly day and it inspired one of my favorite episodes of Frasier (Season 3 episode 16 if you want to watch on Netflix!). We went out downtown to a restaurant I had never been to before and it was so much fun! I met my brother’s friends for the first time, we had good food&beverages, and I was able to give him his “happy single digit birthday” card. It had mermaids on the front and a long, sappy, emotional personal message on the inside because we’re a very emotional people in our family.

It was all around a wonderful time and I am so delighted that I was able to spend that night with him and his dear friends.



sterlingbday5sillies :P

Happy birthday to my sweet brother, Sterling. You mean the world to me and having you in my life is one of my truest treasures! ♥


December is here! And so is a blogging break!


Ok, so December was here yesterday :) I just love this photo (thank you Unsplash!). I’ve had day dreams of living in a neighborhood like this one, with tree lined streets, where every season shows it’s face. Then again I’ve had dreams of living in a remote cabin on the edge of nowhere…and at the beach (again)…and in an apartment in a big city…I’m still figuring this whole thing out but ANYWAY the point is, that wherever Andre and I end up, I hope that it’s a place that brings us both so much joy and where our children can grow into amazing men&women.

I’ve been reflecting a lot recently on my word for 2015. I believe it was the right word to choose and I believe that I used it and it manifested itself in my life. I want to talk about that more later as well as continue on with my wedding series and a bunch of other things…but I think I need to put this space on hold for a little bit. I love it here and am so excited to execute some of the visions that I have but for now, for the remainder of 2015…I need to just be present and for me, that can only happen if I take some things off of my plate- one being updating here for now.

If you’re a fellow blogger, you’ll probably see me still raiding your comments section (probably more so now, ha!) and I want to keep up with connections but I’m just going to take some time to focus on my vision for 2016 in all aspects of my life (including here!), hopefully come to better understanding of some things I’ve been thinking about and come back here with a bang in January!

I’m going to miss doing holiday updates because I had so much fun sharing those last year but I’m sure I’ll do some throwback December posts first of the year ;) Things are going to be so nuts for us the remainder of the month, I’m not sure I could even publish posts that would make any sense even though I would have lived the experience myself!

Thank you to everyone who comes around here to see what I’m up to (hey Papa!!). I love all of you dearly and can’t wait to begin again in January! Feel free to email me if you’d like, I’ll still be checking those ;)


Lots of love to you and yours.

Merry Christmas!



Catch up on some of last year’s Christmas adventures here!:

Christmas Traditions

Christmas Decoration Day

Christmas 2014 Recap



Thanksgiving 2015

Happy Holidays, yall! Ahh, I finally feel like I can say that. I know October has a holiday and November has a holiday but, I just never truly feel quite right using that phrase before December. I guess it’s kinda like how I don’t put on Christmas music or put up décor until December. I’m just weird I suppose. And actually I did listen to a couple Christmas songs this morning on the radio but it’s 11/30 so that’s close enough, right? Some of you are like “ummm you’re about a month late!” ha!


You may have caught that photo on IG (@jlynnjustad) I decided to post it here too because some people don’t have IG (gasp, I know) and also I just love it. This was one of my favorite moments from all of Thanksgiving day. We snuck out before dinner to take some photos and just roam around the property. It was such amazing weather! A few people have said Andre resembles Luke Wilson and I can kinda see it, but I feel like I can really see it in this photo. Luke Wilson just happpennnss to play in one of my favorite Christmas movies of all time, The Family Stone…which I’ve already watched three times. HA! A little Jlynn trivia for ya.

So anyway, the whole day on the 26th was fantastic really. I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving with family and/or friends as well!!! We had both over at Andre’s parent’s house and it was a lot of fun. My sister in law Kristen wasn’t able to make it so that was pretty sad. They doesn’t live close so I usually only get to see her during the holiday days so my glass of wine was not as full without her. Even though she wasn’t there I still had an awesome time with everyone who was able to make it!

jlynnthanksgivingFamily photo before dinner! Fun fact- there are 8 people in this photo! ♥

We kept it pretty low key this year in terms of action but the food was amazing. It was just the Justad crew for dinner (minus a few who we missed dearly!) then a few family friends joined us after for dessert and tea after their first course. We did our usual half Persian, half standard American Thanksgiving food complete with pumpkin, apple and pecan pie…none of which I baked (sorry bucket list). Every bite was delicious. I had leftovers  at least twice a day for three days. No complaints over here!

jlynnthanksgivingdigs4worst photo of the outfit, best depiction of me

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! Here we are. Full speed ahead into the end of 2015. What in the heck happened. Beam me up Scotty cuz I’m pretty sure I’m in the twilight zone.

Tell me all about your Thanksgiving!!! Leave as lengthy of a comment as you would like or a link to your own blog post about your Thanksgiving shenanigans! Or if you don’t live in the U.S…what did you do on November 26th this year? ;P


Halloween 2015!

You guys. You know how I am usually terrible at preserving the moment in picture? Well, I am on fire here lately and I have a bomb of Halloween 2015 photos for you to prove it! After some bumps in the road, we followed through with our plans to do Halloween in my hometown of Wilmington and it was a blast. We brought one of Andre’s best friends from highschool, Justin, along with us and got to spend time with some of my friends as well.


I spent much of the day putting together Andre’s costume. Mainly just tracking down a Hawaiian print shirt and making his mug shot sign. He went as H.I McDunnough from one of our favorite movies, Raising Arizona. If you haven’t seen it, you should. It’s Nicolas Cage gold. Holly Hunter is in it as well and is amazing of course.


I went as a 70’s disco queen and literally felt like I was living out a past life experience. I loved my costume so much that I want to wear it out again sometime. Ha! I’m not exactly sure where I got it but I do know it’s an authentic outfit from the time. I want to say I got it from my grandmother but it could have been someone else’s grandmother. I got the costume from someone’s grandma, possibly mine, not sure. ANYWAYYYY I had the shoes, borrowed the arm bangle, got the earrings from Claire’s for $1. The wig wasn’t too pricey so all in all, our costumes were pretty cheap.


The night wouldn’t have been expensive overall if I wouldn’t have dropped my phone at the very first bar we went to! After the getting my shattered phone screen fixed the overall price of the night will go up about $150. Oops! Lesson learned, trust me!

shattered phone screen

That aside, everything else in the night was perfection. A few friends who were going to a bonfire in lieu of the downtown bars still met us out for drinks and bar food before the night kicked into high gear.

ladies70’s disco queen, Catwoman and Wonder Woman!

It was still fairly early (for downtown party time) when we finished eating but we wanted to skip out on waiting in line forever for the place we knew we wanted to start the night out in, so we just headed straight over from dinner. After a quick 2 minute walk, we were the first ones to get there which may be lame to some but this is my FAVORITE time to be there. I love having all that space on the dance floor to boogy without being shoulder to shoulder and to take photos. It’s so fun!

skb and justinSKB as Medusa with an amazing headpiece she made herself! And Justin as…well, you get it ;)

solo on the dance floorSolo on the dance floor!



Once it started to fill up it was still fun as the energy was good awesome. People were dancing, asking to take photos with Justin, just having a good time all around. It was here we met up with my sweet friend Kristi Ray! She was dressed as a Unicorn with her horn made out of a decorative mini Christmas tree and headband she put together herself. It was awesome!

unicorn fun

dance floor fun

Before we left we hung around on the second level of the bar for some more mellow music and photo opportunities of course! This is where a girl spilled a drink all over me but it was totally cool because…I’ve been that girl. Guilty. I was about 6 tequila shots deep at that point so I was literally giving zero fuvks, I was having too much fun!

me n skb


mug shot

red lights

great photographyVision.

Photo taking began to decline at this point as more drinks were consumed and more friends joined in on the fun. We left here to find our friend Hal who brought his new roommate James along. We all made our way to a new bar and met another friend, Jenna, who joined in on the festivities after she got off work. I was so glad she made it out with us!



We stayed out until riiight around 2AM (before the clock switched back!) and then decided it was time for pizza! The cab got there before we had a chance to order so Hal stayed behind with another and brought a couple of pies back to our house. A few more friends joined for drinking games and we all hung as long as we possibly could.

end of the night

I would say it was a very successful Halloween night! It was a lot of fun being able to let loose in my hometown with some of my very favorite people. I hope everyone had a safe night with people they love! Since it took us FOREVER to decide on what to be this year, Andrew&I already have our costumes planned out for next year…and it’s going to be epic.

I hope everyone had a happy Halloween! Any festivities you’d like to share?! Tell me a fun story from your night or leave a link to your blog post in the comments! I love reading about fun!

Until next time….



Ghosts of Halloweens past…

The end of October is quickly approaching and I don’t even have my costume figured out yet. That my friends, is a scary thought! Over the years, Halloween has become one of my most favorite holidays and it’s always been a dream of mine to have an annual epic Halloween party but I think Andre and I need to get some things settled first before we do that…like I don’t know…decide where we want to settle?!

My epic annual Halloween party will eventually happen I’m sure, but one thing I already love to do every year is dress up! To be honest, over the past few years I have reused costumes out of laziness because I’ve either been working or unable to really do anything but this year, Andre and I BOTH are off work and it’s 3 days before Halloween and neither of us have decided on anything officially. We are slacking for sure. So while I ponder today what I will dress as this weekend, I thought it would be fun to share a few moments from Halloweens past…

This first photo is circa 2007? I’m pretty sure I was a junior in high school and I’m pretty sure my parents had no clue I was dressing like this. I got ready at my friend Blaine’s house who was the “good” to my “evil”. We were also Angel and Mimi from rent I think the next year but I couldn’t find that photo unfortunately! and yes I was wearing little dance shorts under that tutu…as if that makes the costume any less scandalous. ha!

goodandevilPart of me can’t believe I’m posting this.

Next up is I believe 2009? Yea, I’m pretty sure. I went downtown to an 18 and up club with my friend at the time who dressed up as a bunch of grapes. It was a pretty clever costume with a million balloons pinned to him. Everyone loved my costume and some girl convinced me to go out for the costume contest but of course it was one of those “all the people you know scream for you” kind of things so when it came time for people to cheer for me…my friend was literally the ONLY one who cheered for me and it was an Even though he&I haven’t spoken in years, I think about that hilariously embarrassing moment and laugh still to this day. I have yet to enter another costume contest. ha! I did meet another Cleopatra on the way back to the car though so we snapped a photo together.

cleo2I had the jewelry&shirt, got the skirt&wrap at goodwill and bought the wig&headpiece. I’ve used it again a few times!

And last but not least…last year. This year was particularly fun because it was the first I spent with Andre and his friends together. We went to Charlotte for the weekend and just bounced around a bar crawl they were having. It was a blast although it started off kind of rocky. Leave it to me to leave my ENTIRE makeup case at home and have to go to target to rebuy literally everything. It was so frustrating. But once all that was worked out, it was a great time. Andre and I don’t always do couples costumes but on occasion we will. This particular year we didn’t go full out but when he decided on The Cat in the Hat, I went with just a regular ol kitty cat using clothes I had in my closet and some $7 cat ears. Of course add the price of my makeup and it was like a $110 costume. Is that another epic fail? Even if so, the night certainly wasn’t!

halloween2014Andre n friends

I’m super excited for this weekend and can’t wait to see everyone’s costumes! Have you chosen anything yet?!


A weekend update on a Wednesday: July 4th

Umm..hello you all!!!

I can’t believe it’s been almost a week since I was last here. When I realized that yesterday, it hit me that this past week has FLOWN by! I guess it’s because after I got home on Wednesday from my trip to my hometown (part one, part two) my husband had off from work the very next day through YESTERDAY! That’s right, a whole SIX days off!!

He is in the restaurant biz so if you know anything about that, you know it can be rare to have almost an entire week off…and over a holiday? Whaaaaa?! So, I’ve been off frolicking with him. It’s been awesome. We didn’t plan any trip or anything, we just stayed home and celebrated the 4th with friends. Sometimes planning a trip over a long period of time off from work can be more stress than fun (not always, just sometimes!) then you feel like you need a vacation from your vacation…but what we chose to do was laid back and actually relaxing. Even clean up from the day after the 4th was surprisingly easy. I think it was just what we needed.

Honestly, I did yet another terrible job at photo documentation. I WILL GET BETTER AT THIS! Not sure if I’m trying to convince you or myself…

We made pickles on Thursday for the first time! We used cucumbers from our garden, the recipe was great and they turned out awesome. I don’t know that I can ever go back to store bought pickles again. After seeing and tasting these it really makes me question why the heck store bought pickles are…yellow..ya know? Anyways… I do think that for my tangy taste buds I would add an extra helping of vinegar ;)


making picklesMaking Pickles with this recipe from

So, we had people over on Friday and I was assuming it was just going to be people we knew, a laid back little adventure, but there ended up being a few people there that I hadn’t met. They were nice and a wee bit younger than me so I found myself chilling looking like this:

mom jeansyoga pants, favorite sweatshirt. Ya know, the usual.

Toooottally feeling like this:

momjeansmemeEven though we were just at my house. Ps- I found this on IG somewhere srry idk where! bad blogger!

Saturday I helped a girlfriend move the first part of the day. She had to put stuff in storage because she’s moving to Florida. I’m so sad! But strangely enough we didn’t do a long drawn out goodbye. I think we both feel like it doesn’t matter that she’s moving, our friendship is solid and I like that. But I will still miss you Hay!!

uhaulI have got to start practicing better posture.

Following helping Hayley was grilling, drinking domestic beer and not taking photos. I did manage to get a day photo and a night photo. I really wish I would have gotten a picture of our outfits. They were casually festive. Andre’s day shirt had random red stars all over it and it’s epic. It’s vintage from his dad from the 70’s. It’s super see through though and he spilled chili on it so changed for the evening when we went out to the bar and went with a t-shirt to pay a different sort of respect. I put on heels and makeup. All around it was a fun day!



Sunday was an easy clean up, hangover free and relaxing. No photos documented this day because it was filled with junk food, Netflix and some good ol’ fashioned alone time. Monday things picked up a little bit with our 4th of July Folf (Frisbee Golf or Disc Golf) tournament. We have a course on our property and love hosting friends to come play! I say we but I mean Andre and his dad. I walk out there sometimes but I am president of the wives club so I usually just sit inside and drink wine with the women. Or alone if I’m the only women. I like to go out there in the evenings though when it’s blue. I’ll have to remember to take a photo out there during my favorite time of day. It’s so serene.

folfwinnerSnapshot with the tournament winner!! ♥

So that’s my little 6 day long staycation! Ok so maybe just 5. Tuesday’s photos&update will appear tomorrow when I’m back here for The Makeup Mix up ;) !! Whewww was I thrown right out of my comfort zone. Can’t wait to share! I’m sending you lots of warm and fuzzy energy, hoping you made it safe through the holiday and are having a wonderful week!!




Snow Day!



I titled this post Snow Day but it really should be called Snow Week!

After our trip to my hometown the week before last (which I still haven’t written about and I need to because I have another thing to cross off my bucket list…!) we got back to our house and it was like the Universe just wanted to tell us to slow down because the weather started going crazy!

It may not be alot to some of you, but my little beach bum heart swells so much at the sight of snow. I’ve seen it before and participated in snow sport trips but I’ve never walked out my own front door to a straight up winder wonderland!



 (And for those of you wondering, I didn’t edit that photo to make it blue, my sweet husband woke me up at the crack of dawn so I could see all the snowy goodness in my favorite light of day. Everything turns this blue hue in the evenings as well and I just love it! I loved seeing the earth look like this with all that untouched snow. It was so serene. Cold. But serene.)


We got back from our trip late Saturday night (we originally planned to leave Sunday morning but thought we’d get an early start), had a chill day Sunday preparing for the week of getting back into our routine (lol), Andrew worked Monday then was off Tuesday because the snow started! It was off and on then we got a load of about 6 or 7 inches on Wednesday night and it covered the ground well into the weekend. It was awesome.




We made a snowman with my brother in law’s fiancé who was here visiting for a few days and got snowed in! yay! 


Some of these photos are blurry because I didn’t think to wipe off my iphone camera ha! also because- iphone4s camera.


snowman building





Me, right smack in the middle looking like a giant goofball! I was so excited about the snow!

After she went in for a nap (she’s from up north so I think she was getting the biggest kick out of me and Andrew being so excited haha!), Andrew and I had an adventure around our property and pretended we were in Narnia (which we watched later that day of course).






I can’t lie, I had soo much fun and it was so beautiful but by the weekend I was ready for the warm weather and routine to find it’s way back into our lives! I hope you guys had a great week last week and weekend. I’m looking forward to sharing about my trip back home although I took like…zero pictures. I promise I’m working on you can see by today’s photo overload ;)

Love to all of you!!
